Dad is/ was:
1/ I don't really know what know what you were doing, you were just- so very- close; to ''there.'' On that crip' Like the crib broke. And you knew you were going to fix it.' Strapped, you knew you to make relationships work, you had to make yourself more vulnerable.
2/ Boo Yagga, go in the street, and pretend your scratching records swag. Riveting wall flowers.' Insatiable craft.' Get off that wall, and moon walk, no words....just beats from the underground...
3/ Tie balloons too a couple peoples hands. Ribbon not sticks. Distracted.' Snipped, and letting loose. Letters from afar...scroll, and wonder....who, what, where, when and why?!?
4/ Take extra time, and take a little more. Times two squared. Yikes! Whats that commotion?!!?!? Shift happens...
5/ Swerving a way of life. Building skills: First-safety. Determination second- Please try again. Leverage ''Amen!''
6/ Notorious- I couldn't sleep, phone calls. Hearty ''har har'' Fuck Pie in ones face equals pie in yours. ''5 minutes of your day; will make my day.''
7/ ''Look over there!''------- ''Not!!'' Jeepers!
8/ If you water the lawn AND- the side walk.... you get to water your front door....ruthless!!
9/ Teddy Bears come once, come twice, so you get off Facebook.
10/ Your either sweating it out, or running out of karma; and that was really typical. How could you sit on strength? Lifting a pool table by himself. Knowing you had to educate yourself as well, have a strong brain.
We're not sore losers.... yet sure could be good at it...
Taking one for the team. My Dad, he is M.I.A. More then just awol, at this point. One melts one. Take a snap shot, in the fast lane.
I learned to try, with one vital choice, be the family widow, or the village idiot or both. Absence made the heart grow fonder.' Elf on the shelf. Toy Story. Yet so much more on the bucket list.
Daddy Duke is everything I wanted him to be.' He's celebrated ''eree'' day in the high jinx.' So Dad sent more Angels.' I was also told, he would send them.' Laughing bitter/ sweet.
I am pious, falling asleep half- way threw mid- air and remembers it within the blink of an eye. Day dreaming half awake. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. What just happened?!- Still happens.
Dad was beat at his own game. His allegory looks so gory.' Yet he is no Felon.' He wasn't that malicious.' Except you know, down- but- not- out.'
I have too sleep at night, I hope he is dead. It had been tooo long. So I do the best I can, knowing whats cool, and whats not. I have spite. Just took longer to let my blindspot go.'
Disassociation is something you learn, or are taught. A representation of A Girl Matador on Wall Street. You can only get what you go after...if your lucky..
Two feet and a heart beat... Fall asleep looking at the clock, and my phone.
Swag: goes from a joker behind an audience. To a trihawk in a fiasco with a clause; feels like pacing on the phone. Why delete work when you can work on it?
I am from the skids- to the bluffs, drafted from the nutrition, and power. Gunner-ship sheer like no one else.' Old Elephant in the room, looking for something new.
Would be A Saint if it weren't for misconstrued dirty looks. I' am convincing you I' am inoffensive. Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. No one bites. Just markers, and paint.'
Camp Crew, learned the malicious; end- up like petty low lives' Pain with no time, no healing, no graciousness, no chances.
My weakness is not under estimating you, I actually do the exact opposite, I know someone did under estimate you.'
And we are the opposite. The fools believe the worst.
Chapter 2- Pep Talk Your Mistakes
I don't know- if Dad likes Seafood but because I'm born in July. I will explain how his friends feel in a crabby way:
1/6 First comes first. Like you knew what it was like to be in the tank with someone else. Left behind, hoping for your return.
2/6 Is``seeing impailed``, fluffing out getting over protective. Can you ever witness- ''enough smoking...? Treating their body like a castle. Hoping for a new age. It is not denial- they are resourcing prevention.....
3/6 Starting from scratch. You talk to the hand. Created with ''whats a matter with you ''crabby hands.'' The more the merrier. Just always got their doors locked. Hoping for a New World.......they can write about. Alone so the family stays together.
4/6 Taken from the beach- Crabs, in a tank; do push- ups. They stay ready. Feeling like they are always- restarting over. But at a start none the less. Your info is as good as mine. Sussing it out.
5/6 People say crabs are moody.. Well I've had mood swings before. They say they scream as they pinch you. Something about how they wave their hands {(pincers)}. Flinching- to cry their best cry..
6/6 Hermits are hoping to be charged interest. Greeting you before running away- yonder. Scarred to be mistreated. Over doing everything...
Three cups of water before bed and in the morning. If I don't drink enough water I'm technically drunk.
Remembering what it is like to find a hidden entrance into heaven. Stars above the sun.
I am so predictable, I'm charming and I am awful at goodbyes...
So sharp Chris Brown was compared to Kurt Browning. But at a distance it's your word against his. Jumping scales from ''poof'' too ''done.''
I am so predictable, I'm charming and I am awful at goodbyes...
So sharp Chris Brown was compared to Kurt Browning. But at a distance it's your word against his. Jumping scales from ''poof'' too ''done.''
Magic like Flavor Flav, timing my Public Enemy records. So Metal Gear Solid, Snake said in low key.."Even if a pawn becomes a Queen, it is still just a playing piece," and so many are so close to a restraining order. Every asshole takes away one dream.
Small muse like a long piss. Take the plunge- politically correct. Flush like your absent, and I just got seconds in my corner.'
Ja Rule ''believing in virtues means you have to believe in evil.''
If I was pretending, it'd be over. No one is helpful unless you can help yourself. Then you can just do it yourself.
Turn over my exam; for the fount of dry tears bluntly: over the horizon. There is like 10 gazellion things, places, and people, in the way. I flinch. Like English going Chines- sometimes...
In the end, its meant to be. We should of had a last dance. But the world wasn't ready for us. All like'' your going to die this Monday.'' We woulda' had a good Sunday, I don't mean to put you on the spot. But Your A Legend.
I'm all like we would of made it to the end, but this had: too end- life- or- death. I'm Poppy Immersed. Days are numbered. How do you sleep at night? Make it rain.....
I love you more- overtime. The night I chose to forgive. I chose too hang tight. You needed a functioning moment.....
Chapter 3- Dear Duke
Small muse like a long piss. Take the plunge- politically correct. Flush like your absent, and I just got seconds in my corner.'
Ja Rule ''believing in virtues means you have to believe in evil.''
If I was pretending, it'd be over. No one is helpful unless you can help yourself. Then you can just do it yourself.
Turn over my exam; for the fount of dry tears bluntly: over the horizon. There is like 10 gazellion things, places, and people, in the way. I flinch. Like English going Chines- sometimes...
In the end, its meant to be. We should of had a last dance. But the world wasn't ready for us. All like'' your going to die this Monday.'' We woulda' had a good Sunday, I don't mean to put you on the spot. But Your A Legend.
I'm all like we would of made it to the end, but this had: too end- life- or- death. I'm Poppy Immersed. Days are numbered. How do you sleep at night? Make it rain.....
I love you more- overtime. The night I chose to forgive. I chose too hang tight. You needed a functioning moment.....
Chapter 3- Dear Duke
Dad you may follow me from near, or far: because you are My Father. Secret or not. Exotic or afraid. Cliche, last second, or without resistance. Spun out, or right away.
Stitching tissue together is proof we aren't always anonymous. We consulted the scrolls of the Count of Mounte Crisco.
I used too think I was on final destination. But that's just a form of paranoia. We're all going to die.
If you got promoted I'd have your back. If you had to deflect a whipping, I'll mark your last- words and last supper. You know your rolling over to your side knowing ''God will give me justice.''
If you got promoted I'd have your back. If you had to deflect a whipping, I'll mark your last- words and last supper. You know your rolling over to your side knowing ''God will give me justice.''
But believing in God doesn't make you a licensed- hero. My Dad said lots people come back to religion- when they are older. And when the Sabbath rests Ja Rule will meet God with a ghetto soul............................from pain is love, to system of a down....forever staying with me...Forever playing Aaliyah and DMX with love.
Score can never escape philosophy. We are connected like The Da Vinci Code.
As many doors close will be as many that will open. Never apologize for loving someone, or wanting to leave, just do it. I'm no metal detector. Sensitivity is inevitable, it is more then a face- off. Game on and Game Over.
Chapter 4- Dear God

I kept tones of files. So I know I always have the ultimate ride- like sci fi. Like you went to pick a card from someone's hand- and they were already looking at your cards.
A cultural fellow. Its like always being on deck. Like your enemies read your dictionary. When the girl in the series of unfortunate events ties her hair up too invent something. She survives.
Seeing Roast Artists with Speedy Rabbi's. Trusting for the first time again..wish it was harder to love too....
Cheers- I say cheers by emptying the bottle on the ground of barbed wire. Wishing for your safety. Inventing a new door. People on a pedestal, can still not even look up to you.
Like Marge Simpson. '''mmMMghmn'' or ''alcjbzCLjbxzlcb''' like Homer Simpson. I'm jumbled.
It is like the revolution is going backwards. Knowing its not all easy, and decline- saying I wish someone would resurrect. Finding answers when on the brink of giving up.
I was sizing you up. Yes sire. When the Grim Reaper gave me a peace sign, and wiped the smile off his own face. Gracious. Did I turn around. Yes. I did. Yes Sargent.
There is now as many versions of things, as there are people.' Maybe even, as many versions of bibles too...what a clash.. I am praying, I dunno who too though.
Chapter 5- Morals/ Values and Ideals
I point fingers with:
1/ A character, you cannot shrug.
2/ If you snooze you loose.
3/ If you don't work you don't eat.
I often look and smile, premeditating to get out of the house. I just have to be ready to face a Tornado. I`ll tell you we may have wanted approval. And we also may have been initiated...
We will gain a quote by Kurt Cobain: "For those who understand you, no explanation is necessary; for those who don't, none is possible."
I love it when you dance.
Sometime its up and away.
Sometimes its spring when sprung.
Sometimes its on your grave.
Chapter 5- Morals/ Values and Ideals
I point fingers with:
1/ A character, you cannot shrug.
2/ If you snooze you loose.
3/ If you don't work you don't eat.
4/Probably growing old saying I know there was a time I didn't care I'll go to hell for this. And that is the purpose I seek.
5/ Help anytime you can. Don't take it for granted.'
I often look and smile, premeditating to get out of the house. I just have to be ready to face a Tornado. I`ll tell you we may have wanted approval. And we also may have been initiated...
We will gain a quote by Kurt Cobain: "For those who understand you, no explanation is necessary; for those who don't, none is possible."
I love it when you dance.
Sometime its up and away.
Sometimes its spring when sprung.
Sometimes its on your grave.
But if you don't defend yourself others wont defend you.
I'd eat dust, like girls eat; hair- dye. Hoping for super- natural- powers.
With a number one fan- under the table: I hated seeing your hands clenched for a full day.
I'm trying to not let satisfaction down. If you sing the Mic Jagger You Can't Get No S********** then please put your left hand- in. Have mercy.
I'd eat dust, like girls eat; hair- dye. Hoping for super- natural- powers.
With a number one fan- under the table: I hated seeing your hands clenched for a full day.
I'm trying to not let satisfaction down. If you sing the Mic Jagger You Can't Get No S********** then please put your left hand- in. Have mercy.
Believing in Victorian moments like Jack and the Beanstock. I don't want any unfinished business either. Need the highest ceilings...to not feel the bottomless pits... Keep on charging. Men in Black- never say never. Welcome to the Wild West. You go to be receptive.....
Hook up with me we'll go 40 feet deep like it was Woodstock. We'll be the best Cave Minor's out there. We'll stay ready for flooding. I might shit my pants.'
Resulting in spins; considered as much as mounting: a scissor- lift- 39- times when I say I hope I don't have any bad habits.. None that will be ignored. Ignore art once- it will ignore you for three days. The longer you wait the harder you are confronted...
I may be totally seeing things in black and blue. But I'm a good bitch. XO
When impromptu- means; Young and The Restless. Looks like going eye for an eye, defeats being unique.'
You can forget something in a second, remember like that. Instead of looks saying ''because'' a question mark I'm sending a reminder to myself saying, something dumb with a- semi colon. Stupendous.'
You can forget something in a second, remember like that. Instead of looks saying ''because'' a question mark I'm sending a reminder to myself saying, something dumb with a- semi colon. Stupendous.'
My dues is: eager.
I know My Dad will forgive me for what I am doing. Because this is the best thing for me. And I know you want me to do what I want to do.
Who doesn't know what I think about being the Matador too Bulls on their graveyard shift? As if some- bitch is being stoned, with the bitch that loves biology. You can remove the hair hiding my face, when you see I'm a colorful Human Being. Hopefully my spite will survive, with a grain of salt.
You can watch me surrender, too crawling across the finish- line.
Like Dad's not a domesticated sheep, hes got his arms crossed, and hes pointing the finger at himself, lifting the bowl to me, I got to live not just survive. Have a brain. The Hospital is always right down the street.
I' am like a horoscope people say I do what they tell me too. I' am going to go miles to get what I need.
I know My Dad will forgive me for what I am doing. Because this is the best thing for me. And I know you want me to do what I want to do.
Who doesn't know what I think about being the Matador too Bulls on their graveyard shift? As if some- bitch is being stoned, with the bitch that loves biology. You can remove the hair hiding my face, when you see I'm a colorful Human Being. Hopefully my spite will survive, with a grain of salt.
You can watch me surrender, too crawling across the finish- line.
Like Dad's not a domesticated sheep, hes got his arms crossed, and hes pointing the finger at himself, lifting the bowl to me, I got to live not just survive. Have a brain. The Hospital is always right down the street.
I' am like a horoscope people say I do what they tell me too. I' am going to go miles to get what I need.
Loving a home that's not scared to be used. I knew what it was like to be the greatest gift in someone's life! Partying with diversity. May an unknown anniversary rest in peace. Nameste. Every day was New Years. Could not forget what I was leaving out....
I love you even though your gone.
Dreams come true too.....