look for horoscopes, get the daily news letter for wishes...
If you find a black feather, stick it in the ground so it stands up, and make a wish.
If you wish to be assured of a restful night's sleep, you should make this wish as you turn out the light:
'From ghillies and ghosties
And long-legged beasties,
And things that go bump in the night-
Good Lord, deliver us.'
The 'ides' of the ancient Roman calendar fell on the 15th days of March, May, July and October, and on the 13th days of the other months. Within one hour after midnight of an ides, and before speaking to anyone, you should cross your arms on your chest, touch each shoulder with the opposite hand, and silently make a wish, repeating it in your mind three times; then lightly nod your head three times before taking your arms out of the crossed position.
The quotation 'Beware the Ides of March' is from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. This wishing custom may have derived as a counteraction to the danger implied by the Shakespearean reference.
If you're walking with a friend and you each take a different path around a bush, tree, pole, rock, puddle, box, or anything else, hook little fingers with each other and make a wish. Finger wrestle. The one who makes the other let go will get his or her wish.
Make a wish for money on the sun when it is at its highest (between noon and 2p.m.).
If you are going to use a yo-yo you've never used before, make a wish before you start playing with it.
Make a wish while you are going over and before you exit an overpass.
Touching the middle part of you upper lip with you baby finger on thee left= is supposed to guarantee= one wish a day. = NO ONE CAN SEE YOU DO IT.
You can wish on jacks (the game of jacks, not the jacks from a deck of cards). Put three jacks in a triangle at least a foot apart. Bounce the ball down (as opposed to tossing it up), gather the three jacks in one hand, and catch the ball before it bounces again. If you can do this three times in a row, you are entitled to a wish.
On Halloween day walk out the door backwards and pick up some dust or grass. Wrap it in paper and put it under your pillow that night. If you make a wish before falling asleep, it will come true.
Eat a crust of dry bread before going to bed on Halloween. Any wish that you make will be granted.
If a mop accidentally falls over, step on it and make a wish before picking it up.
As you go through the door of a new house, make a wish.
The first time you go into a new house, go into the kitchen to make a wish. When you first visit a new house, touch the bathtub as you make a wish.
As you leave a new house for the first time, stand with your back to the front door and make a wish.
The first night you sleep in a new home, make a wish as you designate the four corners of your bed:
'North, south, east, west,
Now I wish, then I'll rest.'
Then make the same wish four times as you look at each corner in turn.
When you see a bathtub you've never seen before, you can make a wish if it points north/south. When entering a room you've never been in before, you can make a wish if the floorboards run north/south.
If you see a white rooster and he crows as you look at him, make a wish.
If you see an otter, make a wish. If it swims toward you, it is acknowledging your wish, and it may well come true.
If you hear a donkey bray, make a wish. If it brays three times, it will help your wish come true.
If you hear a donkey bray in the morning, make a wish and recite this chant:
'Donkey, donkey, old and gray,
Open your mouth and gently bray.
Lift your ears and blow your horn,
To grant my wish this early morn'.'
If the donkey brays again shortly after you say the chant, your wish will have a better chance of coming true.
The person at the table who gets a dish with a flaw or chip may make a wish when taking the first bite of food. (Switching dishes so you will get the 'wish dish' invalidates your wish.)
If you accidentally drop a knife, fork, or spoon, make a wish before you pick it up.
If an eyelash accidentally falls out, you can make a wish on it. (It won't work if you pull one out.) Put the eyelash on the back of your hand, close your eyes, and blow gently while you make a wish. Open your eyes. If the eyelash has blown off your hand, your wish will come true. (Your wish won't come true if you overdo the blowing.)
If you find two nuts in one shell where there should be only a single nut (almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, etc.) share the twin with someone and you can both make a wish. The first one who remembers to say 'lucky nut' the next morning will get his or her wish.
If you find two nuts in one shell where there should be only a single nut (almonds, brazil nuts, hazel nuts, etc.), eat one of them and throw the other over your head as you make a wish. After you have made your wish, you should not speak to anyone until you can answer 'yes' to a question, or your wish won't come true.
Make a wish on the first snowflakes of a snowfall. Watch one particular snowflake drift down as you make your wish.
If you see a magpie flying with its tail turned up, quickly make a wish.
If you see a cow or cattle lying down on Christmas Day, make a wish. (Europe) This no doubt has its origins in the belief that cattle kneel at midnight on Christmas Eve to honor the memory of Christ's birthday in a Bethlehem stable.
At the stroke of midnight on the night of a full Moon, hold up your empty wallet or purse; turn north, east, south, west, each time saying:'Fill it up, Fill it up, Fill it up.'
A full Moon on your birthday means you will have a full year of good luck.
If you are dealt a Joker, quietly stroke it (no one must notice) and make a wish.
If you see a cow slap its tail against a tree or fence, make a wish.
If you see an albino (all-white) cow, cross your fingers and make a wish for something that has white in it or on it.
If you see an all-black cow, you should make a wish. If there is a herd of them, there is a very good chance that your wish will come true.
Before you open a new jar (of anything), hit it with a knife handle against a table, three times, as you make a wish. If the jar opens, you will get your wish; if it doesn't, you won't get your wish.
If a jar drops to the floor and does not break, you may make a wish as you pick it up.
The keystone of an arch is the wedge-shaped piece at the crown of the arch that locks the other pieces in place.
Touch the keystone of an arch and make a wish. (It might help to have another person with you to boost you up if the arch is high.)
Catch a lightning bug. As you cup it in your hands, whisper your wish to it. Set it free. If it flies out of sight instead of landing nearby, it has gone to make your wish come true.
Put a lightning bug on the back of your ring finger, as though it were the jewel of a ring. Wish for some kind of jewel. If the bug glows, you will get the jewel some day. If it flies away without glowing first, you won't get such a jewel.
If you find a scrap of yarn on the floor or ground, pick it up and make a wish on it before you throw it away.
If you can get a sound from a jug when you first blow into its neck, you may make a wish. (If you slip your lower lip over the front edge of the jug's neck and blow down over that lip, there's a good chance you'll get a nice resounding echo.)
A Globe on thy desk brings concentration I think...or something.
If a rabbit crosses your path, take three steps backward and turn away to make a wish. If you look back at the rabbit, your wish won't come true.
Fruit bowl/ Honey- on the table I think bring friendship/
The color purple signifies respect
Open doors speed up time, closed doors slow time down.
If you see a beetle fall on its back, quickly make a wish.
Ring bells 9 times in each corner of the house clockwise at the bottom, in the middle, and at the top to clean out, and bring in the new.
('V' stands for 'victory.' It is made by holding up the index and middle fingers of one hand in the shape of a V.) Should someone flash a V-sign at you, immediately make a wish. If you are able to make the sign back at the person, your wish will be stronger.
If you are standing on a dormant volcano and it is possible to look down into the crater, make a wish, repeating it three times.
When knocking over 3 icicles repeating a wish you can make a wish.
A round mirror under your mattress brings love
Round mirror on either side of the stove are lucky.
Put lemon juice on a new mirror for renewal
vac-cum under the bed
move bed an inch from the wall differently each season.
Horse Shoes= bring luck inside and outside whether hanging upwards or downwards, maybe you should switch them once in a while.
Bears= bring protection by the front door
Elephants, Gold Fish= by the front door bring fortune.
Buddhas= by the front door will bring you a work to do.
Pigs/ Rats= symbolize money.
The color yellow symbolize money.
bamboo in a red dish bring parties
bamboo in general symbolize being social.
Peacocks/ the color purple= symbolize respect
Cardinals represent= that you are feeling lucky.
Crows croaking represent following your instincts.
An alternative custom is for one person to call out a word that the other must answer with a term that is closely associated with it, such as 'cup' and 'saucer;' 'table' and 'chair;' or 'cow' and 'milk.')
If you and another person say the same thing at the same time, you should each make a wish; then, don't speak until you see a mail truck.
An alternative to the above is not to speak until you see a mailbox. This might happen sooner than seeing a truck, depending on where you live. (Connecticut)
Lemon juice on mirrors/ sprinkled around the house brings in new tidings.
Bells at the front door will help get activity.
Cinnamon- induces spending.
Meteorites on tables bring friendship.
Pink bottle bring love.
Wooden frames with a young picture will bring memories of that time.
Red flowers in in a picture frame, bring love.
Crystals put outside on a full moon bring- current spontaneous activities.
Arch Angel Gabriel= thought 3 times brings a wish for something you want/ not necessarily need.
Arch Angel Raphael= thought 3 times brings a wish for safety and protection.
Goat Skulls mean your good looking.
Elephants means wisdom.
Throw a spider make a wish
Throw a stick over your left shoulder- make a wish
Catch a falling leaf- luck for a year
79/ The largest in the area of Oak trees when having left a gift beneath them bring luck for a year.
Pomegranates peeled soaked in water- too peel and eaten, pitts and all- guarantee all wishes.
''Starlight star bright I wish I may I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight'' on the last star of the evening. Don't look back.
when the number of a clock are the same, don't look back and wish away- before the minute is up.
Setting you an old pair of shoes on fire= is supposed to grant a powerful wish. Supervision is recommended.
Softly play each note on a xylophone up the scale and then back down again (don't forget to hit the top note twice). When you have finished, make a wish.
Accident-ly wear clothes/shoes- inside out, make wish reversing them/
May a wish the fist Blue Jay you see a season.
The helicopter twig looking spinning things from trees outside- say you can make a wish for Christmas.
Strapping a scrap piece of yarn from the ground around your fingers for a couple hours= says you can make a wish.
Chicken wish bones, are lucky to the owner that touches= them when needing luck.
When you see the first dandelion of the season, make a wish.
Blow on a dandelion puff and make a wish. Then say:
'Dandelion, puffs away,
Make my wish come true some day.'
If all the 'whiskers' are gone after the third puff, your wish will come true.
Reversing clothes worn inside out grants a small wish.
''Jeep jeep four wheels deep take this wish with you too keep'' Is a wish to go from a jeep.
When someone yoodles, or you even ask someone to yoodle, you can make a wish, when they yoodle.
If you see a hot-air balloon in the sky, make a wish. Even if you can't see the people in the passenger-basket, wave to them so they can take your wish through the air as they fly.
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